
Showing posts from April, 2018

Friday Five Questionnaire! Also, I'm Not Doing the A to Z But...

ast linky post! This year, I'm not doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge , but am sharing weekly linky posts anyway! I'd meant to do one each day, reposting travel photos for each letter, but unfortunately couldn't find the time to arrange them in advance. Happy to report that my ROW80 goals are coming along -- all my schoolwork is done! And I used my week off to start entering the handwritten edits for The Handful of Time and I caught up on blog comments! Almost. Boy, I'd missed you all! V is for...Vancouver. Except that apparently our trip there was before I started sharing travel photos on the blog. So instead, under various , we have: Richard Burton , ditties from childhood , the Decorah eagles live stream, and a Friday Five questionnaire , which seems to have actually come to pass in many surprising ways. I'm going to repost that one below. W is for... wineries and vineyards X is for...x marks the spot: Founex village, and Founex part t...

Top 10 Favourite Book Covers! Also, I'm Not Doing the A to Z But...

nother linky post! This year, I'm not doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge , but am sharing weekly linky posts anyway! I'd meant to do one each day, reposting travel photos for each letter, but unfortunately couldn't find the time to arrange them in advance. Happy to report that my ROW80 goals are coming along -- all my schoolwork is done! And I have a week off in which I can hopefully start entering the handwritten edits for The Handful of Time . Then to catch up on blog comments! P is for... St Prex Q is for...all the places missing photos, mostly visited before I started this blog (10 years ago!), because I couldn't find a place for Q! Aberdyfi Amsterdam Brussels Cardiff Canterbury Dublin various towns in southern France Grasmere Holmfirth Holyhead Liverpool Manchester Newtown (Wales) Penzance Ramsgate Thirsk Washington, D.C. R is for... Rolle S is for... St Lawrence Valley , including lavender fields and driving back from ...

Drinks with an Author! Also, I'm Not Doing the A to Z But...

his year, I'm not doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge , but am sharing weekly linky posts anyway! I'd meant to do one each day, reposting travel photos for each letter, but unfortunately couldn't find the time to arrange them in advance. J is for...journeying in the United States , road trip 2 K is for... Kusadası , Turkey, and part two L is for... London , including the Victoria and Albert Museum and Lord Rochester (and here's Charles II ) M is for... Montreal , including my guide to 24 hours in Montreal Also, here are a few articles I've written for the Bizim Anadolu newspaper: Montreal is an Island Hevelspending Walking in Old Montreal Ideas for Your Staycation Recipe for PĆ¢tĆ© chĆ“meur ChĆ¢teau Ramezay Shakespeare in the Park Salon Moov (hairstyling and Bengal cats!) N is for... Nairobi , and part two O is for... Oxford , and part two , plus Tolkien in Oxford And from Bizim Anadolu : Tolkien, and My First Novel Here...

IWSG Day! Also, I'm Not Doing the A to Z But...

'm not doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge this year, but might do these weekly linky posts anyway! I'd meant to do one each day, reposting travel photos for each letter, but unfortunately couldn't find the time this year. Instead, here's a quick roundup: A is for...all around the United States , road trip 1 B is for... Bern C is for... St Cergue and the Descent of the Cows D is for... Dover E is for... Edinburgh and Culross and Dunfermline F is for... Fribourg, Switzerland and Freiburg, Germany G is for...neighbours! Paris and Divonne-les-Bains H is for... Holmfirth I is for... Istanbul and the Bosphorus , and elsewhere in Turkey -- also featuring my oldest email saved online (I have older ones that are in print only) Today is also Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! This month's question is rather timely, as I'm trying frantically to catch up with my main ROW80 goal, which is to finish my final essay for school. Due ...