Middle Grade Books, Contests, A New Book and Wodehouse

Keeping with Children's Book Week, Susan Adrian has a list of books for Middle Graders.

Marsha's book has a cover! Take a peek here and vote on how catchy you think it is. At the same time - prolific author that she is! - she's guest blogging at India's about her guide book 24 Hours Paris, released today by Prospera Publishing! Enter the Me And My Big Mouth contest to win a copy!

And, Justine's hosting a 110 followers contest, where you have to submit the worst one-line blurb about a book. Here's my terrible blurb for Rose's story: teenage girl has angst, struggles with family and religion.

Finally, Joel Stickley's been doing another round of homages on How To Write Badly Well; today it's P. G. Wodehouse.


Aubrie said…
Marsha's cover is awesome. thanks for the link :)

Someday you'll be sharing your own cover. *wink wink*
Deniz Bevan said…
Aw shucks, thanks Aubrie! *blush*
Talli Roland said…
Deniz you are so sweet! Thanks so much for the shout-out! Me, myself and I (I am beginning to feel super schizo) really appreciate it! :)

And yes, I'm with Aubrie: can't wait for when you have a cover of your own to share I'll come party in Mtl with you!
Deniz Bevan said…
Aw, thanks guys! :-)