ROW80 Check In, Villains and Len's Contest

Forget this weekend. And I do mean forget it. Let me see, did I get any editing done? No... And that, of course, was my main goal for the Round of Words in 80 Days. Writing only counts when I'm creating scenes that were missing, and that's what I did on Wednesday and Thursday - yet I haven't even typed those up!

I know what the roadblock is about though - I need to write a scene featuring my villain, mainly because it's a necessary scene in the novel that needs major editing (I cringed at how out of place half the dialogue and most of the action is in the scene as written; I hadn't reread it since I first wrote it nearly half a year ago) and partly because I'd like to submit it for this month's writer's exercise on the Compuserve Forum.

And the roadblock? Well, it's not a romance scene is it? And therein lies the rub...

My hero loves the heroine (let Joanna Bourne tell you why) and the romantic scenes come so easily. But antagonism? The heroine standing up to her father-in-law and getting cut down? That doesn't come half as easily...

How did I end up writing about my villain around St Valentine's Day? All I have to offer in honour of the day is the heart on my younger cat's head. Here he is:

And here's his heart:

Meanwhile, Len's almost at 200 Followers and having a contest to celebrate!


Len Lambert said…
Thanks for the shout out Deniz! :) Thanks for following, too! :)
Deniz Bevan said…
Happy to do it Len!
Anonymous said…
If you found a way around the roadblock, that is definitely progress! It counts! ;-)
Hang in sounds like a lot of progress, even if it's editing or filling in scenes.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
Anonymous said…
Cute kitty!

Villains on Valentine's Day . . I read Valentine's Day wouldn't exist without villains. ;)
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks everyone! I'm planning to redeem myself by getting up at 5 am tomorrow to rewrite the villain scene. Wish me luck!
C.Farrell said…
I'm having the opposite problem - the conflict is coming easily but I can't handle the romance. Swap skills with me. ;)
CathrynLouis said…
Odd how everyone has a different issue they feel they must overcome. For you it's angry conflict, for me it's romantic conflict. I'm sure you'll get past it. We always do. :) Best wishes for this week. Love the kitty!
alberta ross said…
I can do anger - conflict - can't do villains,not at all,so well done you
Deniz Bevan said…
I'll trade you guys action scenes any day! Been revising my confrontation scene all day and all I really want to do is skip ahead to when my heroine goes home to her hero [g]
Anonymous said…
Hi fellow crusader! Very cool that your cat has a heart on his head. Not everyone can say that.

See you around the Crusade!
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks for coming by, fellow crusader!
Anonymous said…
Love those pics! And good luck with the roadblocks. I've always found that massive quantities of chocolate help. ;-)

Have fun on the Crusade, Deniz!
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Liz! I've got a lot of blogs to catch up on visiting this weekend - chocolate will definitely help :-)