WineLit and Eight Hours of Editing


Yes, it's a brand new literary sub genre, WineLit, coined by Talli Roland.

I've been editing like crazy - eight hours yesterday (just like Theresa did!), after slacking off for two days last week - and I'm at 63,050 words of 141,969.

Still can't seem to cut the words down, but I moved a lot of scenes around - again! - and set up a calendar of events; the story moves from 3 August 1492 to 20 April 1493, and I think I've finally figured out Rosa's birthday: 12 October. With less than a month to go in the Round of Words in 80 Days, I've still got about 78,000 words to edit; I need to do at least 3,000 words per day, while I've only been doing about 1,000.

Hence the need for WineLit.

One of the scenes I edited yesterday features a long night of friendship, laughter, and wine drinking. Of course, there's romance involved. I meant to post it here, but as it's rather long, have posted it to my Facebook author page instead; a WineLit snip from Out of the Water.

Also, Lola's having an awesome Lolapalooza! Join in!

Quote of the week comes from Tolkien (who else?). I rediscovered this while looking up drafts of the Lord of the Rings in the History of Middle Earth, based on a discussion of literary tropes at Matthew's Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment (love that blog name!):

"'If you haven't got a horn, fill me a mug! For I have done both Aelfwine's part and Treowine's, and it is thirsty work, a minstrel's.'

Markison handed him a pewter tankard full. 'Beo thu blithe aet thisse beorthege!' he said, for ancient English is only one of the innumerable things he knows.

Lowdham drained the tankard at a draught. And so ended the sixty-ninth night of the Notion Club."


Hannah said…
ugh, 8 hours of editing! That's crazy! I would rather do 8 hours of writing. That's a very productive day though. Awesome job!
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Hannah! I'd rather do 8 hours of writing myself. No matter how hard I try, the square brackets don't seem to diminish...
alberta ross said…
oh so well done - my least favorite bit! - hats off to you

keep smiling
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you alberta! I'm a lot slower getting off the ground today...
Jemi Fraser said…
Editing is hard - editing for 8 hours is close to impossible! You should be very proud!!! :)
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Jemi! I wish I felt like I was getting ahead...
Denise Covey said…
Hello Deniz. Thanks for the awards my sweet! I accept. Sounds like you so busy editing. I like the sound of wine lit. I write that all the time ha ha! What is NaNoEdMo? Sounds like what I'm doing with my 2 NaNo novels...

I followed you on Networked Blogs (would you please follow me if you haven't already? I couldn't see where to follow you on twitter?

Happy editing!

Denise Covey said…
Hey Deniz. I just made us romance writers a crusade badge. It's in my latest post. Come by and grab it for your sidebar!

Trisha said…
Wine lit...YUM! I'm not sure I want to write that though - I'd rather read it :D

That 80 days thing sounds great. I may sign up for the next round!
Anonymous said…
I like the sound of WineLit.

Yikes at the editing marathon. I've been there.
Nas said…
Well done! I'm a fellow group 20 (Romance)member. Denise made an awesome badge for us. I've linked it on my sidebar.
Matthew MacNish said…
I love this. Thanks so much for laying the argument to rest the other day Deniz! I think your assessment of Tolkien's Eagles was very astute.
Thanks for giving my post a shout out!

People forget the time and energy we put into editing. Eight hours is amazing!

I'm all for WineLit. I'll check out the link.
Renae said…
Wow on the eight hours of editing. I'm working my way through a second draft so I can relate. Well done on the productive day!
I found you through Matthew Rush! And so glad I did. Good luck with the revision. Tough stuff, but also kind of fun. It's really when things come together. Just keep at it. I also had a ms that I cut a bunch of words out of. Totally doable!(I've since rewritten it, eh).
LTM said…
Hi, Deniz! I'm not very helpful w/anything Tolkein-related. I read the Hobbit in HS and that was enough for me... :D But I like your posts. Best of luck w/your revision~ <3
Lydia Kang said…
Oh, the editing process. So tedious, so necessary!
ali cross said…
Hi Deniz! Found you through Matt at the QQ blog ~ he's raving about you! Congrats on the steady progress on your WIP!
Carolyn Abiad said…
Wow! Eight hours of revising takes a lot of patience! The most I can do and still be coherent is about four.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Denise - What a great idea, to make us a badge!
I *think* NaNoEdMo is still on, I'm heading over to check. It's just like NaNoWriMo but you're supposed to be editing, which just happens to be what I'm doing at the moment - still have about 80,000 words to go...
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks for coming by Trisha, Medeia and Nas!
#ROW80 has been great - I always do well when I have to be accountable to to others.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you Matthew! I'm all for defending Tolkien. A toast, to The Professor!
Deniz Bevan said…
You inspired me, Theresa! I'd been slacking off and felt I really should catch up. Think I went a bit crazy posting snips on Facebook afterward...
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Rena, Lydia and LTM! It helps to hear again and again that others are going through the same slog.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks for hopping over here Carolina and ali! It's great to meet you [g] I'm having a great time reading Matthew's posts on tropes.
Julie Musil said…
Hey crusader! You're making lots of progress on your revisions, great job. You'll get there :D
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks for the encouragement, Julie!
Nicki Elson said…
Awesome editing accomplishments! And how perfectly timed to have to edit a party, huh?
VR Barkowski said…
*Applauding!* If I edited for that many hours straight, my eyes would fall out. Congrats.

Love the idea of winelit, esp. the research. :)
Tara said…
Ugh, I despise revisions - but your are coming along well. Keep at it!
Rachel Searles said…
Lovely descriptions in the excerpt you posted! It's making me crave a long, slow dinner of wine and excellent food :)
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks Nicki, VR, Tara! Feeling guilty today as I haven't done much...
Thanks for reading the snip, Rachel - I'm glad you liked it!