Second Summer in the City Blogfest and Literary Resolutions

We're past the first week of June, so time to revisit the Literary Challenges 2011! I found out about this through Theresa Milstein. Last month was all about rereading my old work, and this month is:

Get an anthology of poetry and read the same poem twice every day—once in the morning, and once at night. Does coming back to it in the evening change it? Take June to think about language—what draws you in, what bores you?
I haven't been doing this quite as faithfully; I've been reading lots of poetry, as I've nearly completed Stephen Fry's The Ode Less Travelled, but only a few of them are poems I've read before. I hope it's helping my own writing to be immersed in the rhythmical flow of words that the best poetry swings into your mind. I love words.

Along the lines of goals, I missed the main date for Bess Weatherby's Second Summer in the City Blogfest, so I'll do it right now. My goals for the summer are...

1) Participate to my utmost in Barbara Rogan's Revising Fiction Workshop!

2) Edit Out of the Water so that it's ready for querying by autumn. Eep!

3) Read for pleasure! If you want to see what reading for pleasure looks like, visit From The House of Edward.

4) Take a vacation. Sunshine, sand, waves...

5) Cajole some guest bloggers. If you'd like to write a guest post, to appear in August, please let me know!


Trisha said…
I sooooo want a vacation.
Deniz Bevan said…
I can't wait Trisha! Glad it's in August too - so much better to leave at the end of summer. If I go away in June I come back and then have to watch everyone else taking their vacations...
Anonymous said…
Glad to see vacation on your list!

P.S. Thank you for the nice note on my blog yesterday. :-) So glad you are enjoying it.
Deniz Bevan said…
I'm glad about the vacation too Liz! On chapter 17 now...
Hi, Deniz! I haven't been following this one faithfully. Once I'm supposed to do something everyday (except personal hygiene), I'm destined to fail. But I have been going through a book of poetry nearly every night. Good enough!
Deniz Bevan said…
I think that counts Theresa! It's pretty much what I'm doing, too.
Carol Riggs said…
Vacation? What's that? LOL Yeah, if I don't plan it, it won't happen. So I'd better. Can't write/revise ALL summer. That would just be wrong. Gotta have a little balance.

Best of luck for being ready to query by autumn!!! Mostly, just make sure your baby is ready to go out into the world. :)
KM Nalle said…
That vacation looks GOOD! Good luck with getting your novel ready to query!
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you Carol and Kari! It feels like I'll never finishing revising, but it's fun to take time to plan our vacation too.