Top Writing Blogs, Missing Scenes and Stephen King
ollege Finder have come out with their shortlist for the Top Writing Blogs Award , and you can vote! I'm on there, but so are many others, like Alex Cavanaugh , Adam Heine , Glynis Smy , Michael di Gesu , Medeia Sharif , Denise Covey , Melissa - well, you get the idea. Vote for some or all of us, there's no limit to voting. And to the 15 people who voted before I put my vote in or even mentioned it on this blog: wow! thank you! I've finished all my edits on paper and discovered that: a) I have 25 gaping holes that require lots more writing; and b) penultimate scenes are hardest for me to write. Endings, no problem. But all that high-octane action and emotion leading up to the final sweet resolution? Let's make no bones about it, I suck. You'd think I'd have learned something after all these years of writing, and of reading the best. Which reminds me, I'm rereading Stephen King's It for the first time in 20 years. I wondered if I'd be affected...