WRiTE CLUB, Contest!, ROW80, and Flogometer
Hosted by DL Hammons, who had an awesome analogy the other day about black ice writing (the kind that makes readers skim your story), WRiTE CLUB:
"embodies simplicity, good-natured competition, and a lot of fun. Over the course of twelve weeks we’ll be holding weekly bouts to determine winners that will advance to the play-offs, which will ultimately lead to a single champion.
Bouts between who... or what... you ask. Anonymous 500 word writing samples, submitted by anyone who wishes to take part, that's who. The submitted samples should be identified only by a pen name of your choosing (be creative) that nobody has ever seen before.
The writing can be any genre, any style (even poetry) with the word count being the only restriction. It's a way to get your writing in front of a lot of readers, without having to suffer the agony of exposure. We'll start accepting these submissions today and will continue to take them during the entire twelve week preliminaries, but beginning on July 30th, the first WRiTE will be held."
Head on over to sign up on the WRiTE CLUB Linky List.
Guess what? My Show me the Words! contest was due to end Wednesday, but I've decided to extend it for all WRiTE CLUB participants - if you're signing up as a writer, or simply to vote, all you have to do to enter is mention that here in the comments!
There are prizes:
20$ Amazon gift card (whichever Amazon you prefer)
Residents of the United States and Canada:
you can choose either the gift card
or one of these two awesome books:
Hélène Boudreau's Real Mermaids Don't Hold Their Breath
Kristen Callihan's Firelight
In other news, I've submitted the first chapter of Out of the Water to Flogging the Quill's Flogometer. Just got another two rejections in the mail for this story, so I'm worried about what kind of flogging Rosa will receive. Wish her luck!
By the way, if you are in the midst of editing (and speaking of flogging), then you'll know, as Sam Sykes does, that the editing process looks like this, and that "your relief at finishing the book is immediately counteracted by the certainty that you have just written seven hundred pages of complete nonsense. This is confirmed as you peruse through it, turning each error and clumsy sentence into a scourge with which to flagellate yourself."
I can't speak for myself, because (ROW80:) I've been drafting like mad rather than editing, and now I'm even thinking of signing up for the Three Day Novel Contest (running since 1977!), to barrel through another shiny new idea. Might be setting up too many pots on the stove here...
Don't miss it: My review of Talli Roland's Construct a Couple, coming soon to the One Hundred Romances blog.
And now, another award, thanks to Melanie! This one's for Zan Marie and Sara, for always coming by. Love seeing your comments, ladies!
Favourite colour: Purple and yellow
Favourite animal: Cats
Favourite number: Never really chose one. Let's say 19, for my birthday
Favourite drink: Latte!
Favourite passion: Reading
Giving or receiving: Giving is kind of fun. Receiving books is always a treat, though!
Favourite pattern: I like Melanie's answer: "Plaid. I love it. Especially if it’s on a kilt."
Favourite day of the week: One where I've written. And not thought "I suck."
Favourite flower: I love the smell of jasmine
I'll add a question for everyone: what's your favourite summer activity?
I'll watch for Rosa's post. I had mine flogged once. If I can figure out how to start my book I might do it again.
I'm signed up for write club! And I've already sent in my 500 words. DH thought I should use the pen name Busty StClair, alas, I went with something else.
Congratulations on the award!
Summer activity . . . well, I'd say reading, but I do that year-round anyways. :)
favourite summer activity: celebrating Christmas (I'm an Aussie).
Flogometer--love it!
checking in from ROW80
It's been awhile since I've visited Flogging The Quill, but now I have a reason again! :)
And my favorite colors are Purple and Gold (really close)!
My favorite colors are blue and purple. My favorite summer activity is eating fresh produce from our garden, especially in my mom's gazpacho.
And good luck with your book being flogged. It's hard to hear opinions, but sometimes it's what we need to grow properly.
Aww, that would have been a good nickname, Sara! You might recognise mine if my snip gets chosen...
Thanks, Eagle!
Christmas in summer must be fun, Lynda!
Thanks Trisha and nutschell!
Can't beat a beach, Diana. Mmm, sunshine...
Dang it, I should have said gold, DL!
Ooh, homemade gazpacho sounds yummy, Vicki!
Thanks, Kate!