Pre-NaNo Jitters, Quebec City Photos, and Some Updates
hat's that? Do I hear the sound of scurrying writers? Is everyone hiding? I thought we were all doing NaNo ! I'm all set. I've read the blog posts about preparing for NaNo ( Joshua's Five Lessons from NaNo , the ROW80 Round-up of NaNo Advice , and Jordan McCollum's advice on reaching NaNo goals on autopilot and getting your family on board for NaNo ), made sure to sign up for miniNaNo on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community , joined Twitter (I must be crazy! but I figured, on days when I have no chance to check emails, I could at least keep up with fellow NaNoers this way - find me @DenizBevan ), and am trying to keep my inboxes under control (see you next month FB, Pinterest and tumblr !). And, oh yea, the writing. I have a vague idea for this story - Santiago and Mawdlen meet and fall in love - but very little in the way of advance plotting, beyond a few hastily scribbled scenes. For the first time, I'll be free to explore, in each scene, ...