N is for Nevill Coghill, and Richard Burton (A to Z on Tolkien and the Inklings)
Coghill and C.S. Lewis used to take country walks together and, as Humphrey Carpenter relates, "while striding together over Hinksey Hill they would talk excitedly about what they had been reading that week. Coghill never forgot how on one such walk Lewis, who had just encountered the Anglo-Saxon Battle of Maldon, boomed out some lines from the end of the poem:
'Hige sceal
Þe heardra, heorte
Þe cenre,
mod sceal
Þe mare,
Þe ure maegen lytlađ.'
'Will shall be the sterner, heart the bolder, spirit the greater as our strength lessens.'"
This is one of those interludes that makes me wish I was back there!
Coghill also staged many undergraduate theatrical productions at Oxford, and one of the actors included was Richard Burton.
I hadn't known much about Burton before we moved to Switzerland, but ever since we moved out to our village, I've been learning more about him, because he used to live in the next village over, and is buried there.
Burton at the gate of his house in Celigny, Le pays de Galles (the country/land of Wales)
Spiderwebs in Celigny
Photos of Burton at the Buffet de la Gare, a restaurant across the train tracks from his house
Buffet de la Gare
Le pays de Galles
Cemetery entrance
Also buried here is author Alistair MacLean, who wrote, among others, The Guns of Navarone and Where Eagles Dare
Celigny village
View of Lac Leman and the alps from Celigny
View from a bed and breakfast between the two villages
Stream and a scented log fire at a cave (vineyard) in Celigny
All this and I still haven't actually seen a Burton film!
If you have, which would you recommend?
Richard Burton - he has such a mellifluous voice ... still resonates into the brain ... I'd recommend one of the Virginia Woolff ones - he was compelling ...
Whichever you chose would be good ... cheers Hilary
I was going to link to this blog post from Rateliff:
He quotes from the 1966 Tolkien-themed issue of Diplomat magazine, in which Richard Burton said:
"Tolkien is one of the great writers of our time".