
Showing posts from January, 2017

Winter in Switzerland Photos

inter! I had all sorts of things planned for today's blog post (and I'm also falling behind in commenting -- I visit you all but haven't had a chance to comment!), but all the ideas and snippets are saved in my Yahoo mail, and for some reason Yahoo is having server problems today... It's still cold and grey outside for the most part, and work is quite busy -- the perfect time to share some winter photos! (Please excuse those that are upside down. They show up as upside down on the computer. I fix them in the Microsoft Photo Editor. But every time I pull them into Blogger, Google turns them upside down again. It's driving me crazy!) The village of Founex:   Ice created by the bise wind that comes down from the Alps: The town of Nyon: Views from outside of St Cergue, on the Swiss side of the Jura mountains: The villages of Rolle and St Prex in snow: Views of the

Year-end Knitting and Other Hobbies Review

nitting! And other hobbies... My goals in 2015 were to: 1. Finish knitting three more cowls 2. Think about buying expensive wool to make, slowly, methodically, and properly, a gorgeous design by Kate Davies 3. Organise all our photos and print a few, especially for our grandparents 4. Bake more! These didn't change much over 2016. Instead of cowls, I got heavily into baby blanket knitting: Photos of the fourth, a purple-y blanket, are here . In the same post I talked about a secret group project and shared photos of my contribution. Still can't reveal the details yet, but as soon as we've given the gift to its intended recipient, I'll share! Besides the four blankets and the secret project, I knit: Three hats ( here's one hat ) One shawl, as a gift One fox scarf : One pair of mittens The Azel Pullover This one didn't turn out quite the way I'd hoped, as the needles I used were a cou