Story Playlist!
It occurs to me that I haven't shared a story playlist in a while.
Usually, my playlists are directly related to songs that my characters are listening to or love.
This collection, for The Charm of Time and A Handful of Time, is a bit different, as it's mainly songs that remind me of what's going on in the story, and some of the emotional arcs that need to be resolved. Although the second song is one of Christianne's favourites, and Rory is a grunge rock fan...
Hope you like them!
The Smiths, Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want
Roxette, The Heart-Shaped Sea
Neil Finn, Second Nature (the song from his new album, Out of Silence, that most reminds me of Rory and Christianne is Love Is Emotional, but that one's not available on YouTube)
Whisky Trench Riders, Some Memories Don't Fade
Alice in Chains, Would?
Alice in Chains, Jar of Flies (album)
The Carter Family, The Storms on the Ocean
Runrig, Faileas Air An Airigh
Yes, this means that NaNoWriMo is in full swing (hello, ROW80 update). I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels most days on the story, since I write snips here and there and I'm not sure if I'm capturing enough action rather than chit chat and emotional highs. I think many of the scenes are locking into place, though. Then the editing will begin...
Good luck to those of you doing NaNo or working on other projects!
Which songs provide you inspiration?
I usually play some hard and fast prog rock when I'm writing.
I usually just run Spotify in the background, with a selection of quiet and sultry jazz singers. Mellow, but not distracting.
Cool to see The Carter Family on your playlist. I was raised on country music; Johnny and June Carter Cash were my first concert, when I was 11.