Tolkien Birthday Toast and England Photos Part 4 of 4

Happy New Year!

Today is Tolkien's Birthday!

"To celebrate Tolkien’s twelfty-ninth (129th) birthday on 3 January 2021, The Tolkien Society invites all Tolkien fans to raise a toast to the Professor.
Let everyone know what you’ll be drinking and where in the comments below, and share your pictures on social media using #TolkienBirthdayToast.
The Toast
After Bilbo left the Shire on his eleventy-first birthday in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo toasted his uncle’s birthday each year on 22 September.
J.R.R. Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein on 3 January 1892, and we invite you to celebrate the birthday of this much loved author by raising a glass at 9pm your local time.
The toast is simply:

The Professor!

All you need to do is stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words “The Professor” before taking a sip (or swig, if that’s more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink.

Note that we do not condone drinking alcohol if it endangers the health or safety of the drinker or others, or contravenes the law."

Also, there's exciting news: A new Tolkien book, The Nature of Middle-earth, to be published in 2021!

Rather fitting, then, that the last part of my photos from recent trips to England includes photos from Oxford!

London airport

London buses

London, ancient churchyard of St Marylebone Parish Church


St Pancras

Titanic lifebelt!

Manchester cathedral at night

Our hotel!

At the pub

An artist named Bevan!

At the Ashmolean

Ottoman coins

Thomas More's copy of Euclid's Elements


The Inklings!

Have you celebrated any birthdays or other events in and around the holidays?


Hi Deniz - that's a wonderful window to look out of ... fun for the kids too. Great you were able to go to Manchester, London and Oxford ... especially to haunts of the Inklings, especially the Ashmolean ... Emily looks hooked - and with that desert ... someone was eating well.

Good to know Tolkien was a January babe ... while I did enjoy my January birthdays when I lived in South Africa - warm ones!! Might be cold again this year ... and definitely no party mood around next week ... take care and Happy New Year - Hilary
Jeff said…
Shoot, I'm a day late and it's morning. I would have gladly raised a toast to old JRR last night, had I only known! Would he had been okay if it was bourbon or rye? Of should it be Scotch?
Deniz Bevan said…
Best wishes for your birthday, Hilary!

It's never too late, Jeff! I wouldn't mind a nice Scotch myself :p