IWSG, ROW80, Basel Zoo, and the End of NaNo



First time in many weeks that I'm posting on my blog in real time, rather than a week or two in advance. I'm far behind in commenting, but hoping to visit you all soon!

First time ever not completing NaNoWriMo. I squeaked in at 20k short of the goal.

The Future in Time: Five chapters from the finish line!
A friend reminded me of the Duckworth-Lewis method, a way of calculating cricket scores in a match interrupted by weather or other circumstances. Other circumstances is certainly apt:

First time leaving the country and first time getting on a plane in about two years: I visited family this past weekend! First time I'd seen them in person in over two years! Very glad to have gotten back before borders started closing again.

First time celebrating Christmas in England -- cancelled. I'm looking now into refunding or extending all our train and hotel bookings. Sigh.

Birthday cakes!

Mulled wine!

Craft fair!

Thumbprint cookies!

A new candelabra!

Some not firsts!

I'm participating in WRiTE Club again!

A new ROW80 update: Submit things! Send queries! Also, try the December writing exercise on the litforum.

Another set of photos: our second visit to Basel Zoo!


This was later, a metal T-shirt shop we visited

Here's the front door of the shop


The fountain photos above are mixed with the zoo photos; they're all sculptures by the artist Jean Tinguely

They had this playground right outside the chimpanzee area...

Some of the residents are over 40 years old!

Different penguins!

Contemplative bison


Mother tortoise

Newborn tortoises!

This guy

Keep swimming...


Too cute

Oh, hello


Ice cream time

Just guarding the ancient marketplace...

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day!

This month's optional question:
 In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?

The awesome co-hosts for the December 1 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, Diane Burton, Louise – Fundy Blue, Natalie Aguirre, and Jacqui Murray

Action scenes worry me. And I'm always stressed that I'm not throwing enough rocks at my characters. I'm trying to think more and more often of "what's the worst that could happen?" then trying not to be afraid to write it.

There's delight in every other aspect! The rush of drafting, the excitement of discovering new characters and story links, the thrill of serendipitous findings in research, the satisfaction when plot elements come together with the inevitable fit of puzzle pieces, the glow of a well-turned phrase...

Don't forget the IWSG book club! Today's suggestion is to mention a book I'm excited about. There are so many! The new Diana Gabaldon, the new Kait Nolan, the new Ryan Bevan, the new Luke McCallin, and the new Monica Byrne!

I've read them all and I'd recommend them!
Which books are you excited about?


Hi Deniz - I'm not surprised you only partially managed NaNo - with those two around, and work, and travel, etc ... loved seeing all the photos - my goddaughter and her boyfriend just visited Basle! They too just got home before close-down = sad, but necessary probably. Stay safe and have a happy peaceful festive season. Cheers Hilary
Natalie Aguirre said…
Glad you're getting to celebrate the holidays. I'm enjoying them too.

I do pretty good with action scenes, but the blank pages in general stress me out. I'd much rather revise. Happy Holidays!
That's a really big zoo.
Looks like you're on a baking frenzy.
Hope you can reschedule that visit.
Melissa said…
Great pictures!

I'm too easy on my characters, too. Getting better at it.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Hi Deniz!

Happy Holidays! Fantastic pics!!!! WOW. You are ONE BUSY LADY! Congrats on you new book! I just happen to be getting a review copy from your publisher and I CAN'T wait to read it and review! YAY, YOU!!!! I love all aspects of writing EXCEPT, the querying part. UGH... Since I am not published, YET, I haven't delved into the marketing end yet, either. I heard it can be a nightmare. Sorry to hear you Christmas plans have been put on hold. Sad. I had to cancel my Colorado vacation last year because of COVID and the wild fires, BUT, I did get there last month and had a BLAST.... Wishing you and your family a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROSPEROUS new year!!!!
Sorry your trip to Britain was cancelled. What strange times we live in.

Fight scenes are tricky. Mine are either glossed-over or so detailed they're unreadable.

Thank you for the book recommendations! And happy holidays...holiday baking season at last!

Julia Quay
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks so much, all!

Eek, Michael, I really hope you like it!!!
No wonder you couldn't finish NaNo, you have sweet little children. Hope you're not hard on yourself for not finishing. 20K is an excellent effort. Love the pics! Looked like everyone had a great time.
Olga Godim said…
Amazing Zoo photos.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you, Joylene and Olga!