Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: T


fter a break of four years, from 2018 to 2021,

I’m doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge again this year!

In 2017, I collated all my blog posts up till then

In 2016, I focused on JRR Tolkien and the Inklings

In 2015, I featured books I’d read based on a reading challenge

In 2014, I didn’t have a theme!

In 2013, I collated all my Twitter favourites up till then
(it was a LOT easier to organize Twitter back then)

 In 2012, I listed all my favourite books

Then, in 2022, I focused on fellow authors and bloggers, covering all the guest posts, blog hops, cover reveals, interviews, and more, that I’ve featured over the years.

This year I’m going to focus on writing by me and my family!
Please share links to your own stories and crafts in the comments!

This year's A to Z Team is:

Arlee Bird (founder)
👨 he/him @
Tossing it Out

J Lenni Dorner (captain)
👨 he/him or 🧑🏽 they/them @
Blog of Author J Lenni Dorner

Zalka Csenge Virág
👩 she/her @
The Multicolored Diary

John Holton @
The Sound of One Hand Typing

Jayden R Vincente (spreadsheets)
👩 she/her @
J R Vincente Erotica Writer

*Anonymous* (graphics)
🥔 @
#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge
Thank you to the team!
Also, each day will feature a new chapter from my new story, Goldenheart, a love story set in Montreal. There will be photos!

And now...

T is for...

Tales from the Shaking Hand

A new book by Ryan Bevan!

Tales From The Shaking Hand by Ryan Bevan, a compilation of 16 horror and suspense tales
illustrations by Simla Barki

Welcome to the Shaking Hand Tavern. First time here? That's fine. Oh, we get a lot of strangers stopping by for a pint or two. Most of them on their way to somewhere better from somewhere worse, some the other way round.
Terrible weather, eh? But we do get a lot of thunderstorms around here. We like it that way. Especially at night. Nothing like sitting by the fire with a drink in hand while the rain is pouring outside and the thunder cracking. Sometimes it feels like the end of the world.
Would you like a drink? Cold beer? I'll get you one.
I hope you plan on staying for a bit. The locals are settling in by the fire and you're welcome to join them.
It's getting near story hour, and there's always a good tale going around.
Oh, you'll hear about all sorts of things tonight. Horrible deformities, disembowelments, haunted pubs, killer piles, witchboards, alligator people, and even a vampire or two.
Stay as long as you like. You're free to leave any time, of course. But if I were you, I'd wait until dawn. Hear the wind howling? Well, it ain't always the wind.
But you'll be safe here. At least for tonight. Come with me, they're starting on the first tale. It's a good one. Have you ever been to New York City?
Let's go together. It's a good enough place to start.
And who knows where we'll go from there?
I'll start a tab.

Which story genres do you like best?


Shaking Hand Tavern? What an imaginative name. Sounds a bit like my Meilori's haunted jazz club where the ghosts of Mark Twain and Freud are currently sparring verbally. :-) Thanks for visiting there, Deniz.
Erin Penn said…
A warm cider for me with a stick of cinnamon please. Hmm, New York City, yes, I've been there, but she isn't just one city, now, is she? Every been to her subways? (a-to-z)
Beth Lapin said…
I bet that tab is growing!!!

Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you all for visiting!
Ooh, yes, warm cider with cinnamon sounds lovely!