Old and New Books


A book we had as kids. Inside, as part of the story, it shows you how to sew a Jack doll!

The first retelling I ever read

The Mysterious Tadpole by Stephen Kellogg is a brilliant book.

I'd forgotten that my childhood copy had an extra illustration on the back that showed a bit more of the story!

The first copies of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings that I read -- my father's copies!

And now, a new book!

Poems by 19th century poet Elizabeth Siddal

Photographs by Kyle Cassidy

The number 53!

Which books do you remember from childhood?
Is there a recurring number in your life?


Hang on to those Lord of the Rings books!
Jeff said…
My LOTR didn't survive kids :)
Deniz Bevan said…
I don't think mine will either -- I want to use it as an excuse to buy the next anniversary edition, ha ha!
Hi Deniz - how wonderful to have and to hold them still ... my mother got rid of ours once none of us had children - sad, but that's they way - they were her books. My SIL, who's about to have a niece, has plenty of books at their house ... so all well with educative books. Your kids will enjoy those - cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you, Hilary!
I gave away a bunch of childhood books once as a teenager, and regretted it almost immediately, so I've hung on to every book since! <3