Round of Words in 80 Days Check In and Kate Kaynak's Legacy
Oh, yes, editing. Well, I've been plugging away solidly, except for a brief hiccough on Thursday when I did nothing (but I did read Kait Nolan's Devil's Eye!) and on Friday when I could have edited a lot more but, er, blogged instead.
Still, happy to report that Rosa and Baha have now met, 10,000 words into the novel (is that too late for Romance?) and now they're busy rescuing her family together. No major upheavals yet.
"Maddie has more problems than the average seventeen-year-old:
A psychotic killer with superpowers wants her dead.
A serious medical issue makes a "normal life" impossible.
And she's about to be introduced to Trevor's family.
Guess which one freaks her out the most?"
Normally, I'm not the kind that likes to jump into the middle of a series, but this one not only pulled me right in, I didn't feel lost at all. Legacy has a great cast of characters and references here and there to all the back stories weren't distracting - they simply made me want to go read the first two books in the series.
Another thing I'm not used to reading is paranormals, but again, Kate's writing makes it all not only believable but - well, if you haven't soulmated, at least you can live vicariously through Maddie and Trevor.
Legacy is out on 28 January! Kate's also offering critiques of novel pitches - any genre welcome - on her blog. My draft is posted there now, but I'll wait for crits before sharing it here...
And no, I don't 10K is too far in for romance. Build up is grand.
You mean there are rules? *Hides from pitchforks*
I'd say you've done swell. :)
Good luck for next week :)
I like a bit of build up myself.
Hi Kate - that Dear Reader letter helped a lot! I'm the kind of person that likes maps and glossaries and things in books anyway [g]