Dragon's Loyalty Award, Seven Interesting Things, ROW80 Check In
. . has given us an award! A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host M.J. Joachim has awarded all A to Z Challenge Minions, Assistants, and Helpers with the Dragon's Loyalty Award ! Guidelines: 1. Display the award and thank the person that nominated you. Thank you, M. J.! 2. Present this award to 15 other bloggers, making sure to link to their blogs, and visit them to let them know you're sharing the award with them. I'm going to fudge this a bit and link to my last week's post below, where I featured all sorts of intriguing bloggers to visit - each one of them gets this award! And so do all the commenters! And Nicole !, who was kind enough to let her minions know about the award. 3. Write seven interesting things about yourself in your blog post when you accept the award. The last time I shared seven random facts , I noted that: "I can knit but I haven't made socks yet. Even Jamie and Ian [from Outlander ] can make socks!" Not only have I knit soc...