Photos For Upcoming Stories!
fter a break of four years, from 2018 to 2021,
I’m doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge again this year!
In 2017, I collated all my blog posts up till then
In 2016, I focused on JRR Tolkien and the Inklings
In 2015, I featured books I’d read based on a reading challenge
In 2014, I didn’t have a theme!
In 2013, I collated all my Twitter favourites up till then
(it was a LOT easier to organize Twitter back then)
In 2012, I listed all my favourite books
Then, in 2022, I focused on fellow authors and bloggers, covering all the guest posts, blog hops, cover reveals, interviews, and more, that I’ve featured over the years.
👨 he/him @
Tossing it Out
J Lenni Dorner (captain)
👨 he/him or 🧑🏽 they/them @
Blog of Author J Lenni Dorner
Zalka Csenge Virág
👩 she/her @
The Multicolored Diary
John Holton @
The Sound of One Hand Typing
Jayden R Vincente (spreadsheets)
👩 she/her @
J R Vincente Erotica Writer
*Anonymous* (graphics)
🥔 @
And now...
For upcoming stories!
Many of these are going to be links, because I don't want to reshare art without permission.
The Maiden's Tower in Istanbul
Art that gives me Ottoman vibes for Ed and ambassadorial vibes for Stede
Another bit of Ottoman-vibes art for Ed
Epilogue inspiration as they sail into the sunset
Screenshots from my Story Inspirations board
Some of those also work for Goldenheart, so let's segue to that. First, some more pins!
Stanzas for Music by Lord Byron
And read for me by Saf!
Dancing in the epilogue of the story
Some particular Montreal references:
March snowstorm and Montreal-West train station
The "red house" in Westmount
Faubourg Bagel
Walking along Sherbrooke Street
24 hours in Montreal
Snow removal operations
Statue of man reading newspaper
Paris Metropolitain metro sign
The doo doo doo sound on the orange line of the metro
Map of Montreal neighbourhoods, sort of
Drugstore bar (now closed)
Metro map!
The side nook behind the bar at MicKibbin's
...And an art inspiration piece for Communication Breakdown --> Friends: kiss me like you missed me
There are also playlists!
Communication Breakdown --> Friends
The Maiden's Tower
Goldenheart (includes Montreal references such as Claude Rajotte the VJ, Cruising Bar the movie, Don Cherry's suits, etc.)
Stories to be issued next month, if all goes according to plan!
First chapter of the story is now up!