The Forbidden Rose Contest Deadline Extended!

As Pam has so delightfully described it, right now it's so hot that walking outside is "like being smothered slowly by a really fat guy while standing in a vat of soup."

Which is not an excuse by any means - I *have* kept up with my 51 day marathon! Anywhere from 100 to 500 words per day, which sounds so measly except when you figure that they're all handwritten and I'm going to need another marathon session just to sit before the pc and type them all up. But I'm inching closer to the finish line of the first draft.

The sticky humidity has, however, led me to conclude that it's best to extend the deadline for my contest until next Friday. Congratulations to gamistress66 for winning the copy of The Forbidden Rose on All The World's Our Page, and if you haven't been over there to read the 20 questions with the author, Joanna Bourne, hie thee now.

My contest deadline extension means you now have until next Friday to enter. Win a signed Advance Reader's Copy of The Forbidden Rose by commenting here!

Meanwhile, if you'd like something short and funny to take your mind off the humidity (or rain or what have you), head over to Inky Fool and thence to the Lyttle Lytton contest, featuring the best of the worst one line novel openings, such as:

"'You are the greatest human in the world,' the dragon told the boy who desperately wanted to be a dragon, too" by Adam Contini


"This is a mystery about a murder I committed" by Lachlan Redfern.


Aubrie said…
Since I just won a contest, I'll pass on this one!
Aubrie said…
I got the book in the mail yesterday! Thank you!!!!
Unknown said…
You've earned yourself a spanish postcard! You can find my email in my current post. Let me know where to send it!
Deniz Bevan said…
Yay, I'm glad it reached you safely Aubrie!
And yay, thank you Tessa!