1,000 eBooks This Month for Kait Nolan! and Vote for Zan Marie!
he generally accepted benchmark of success for an indie author seems to be 1,000 books or more sold per month. And as of this morning, Kait Nolan was at 988 copies for January 2011 alone ! Eastern Standard Time gives you... checks computer clock... five and a half hours to click on over to amazon.com or smashwords or wherever you prefer, and get yourself a copy of Forsaken by Shadow and/or Devil's Eye (purchasing options are on the linked pages). Shamelessly honest plug - I'm always wary of self-published books. So many of them are so badly edited they pierce little arrows like misplaced apostrophes into my copy editor's heart. I love Kait's work not only because the romance and characters are so compelling, but because I can read her work for pleasure, without reaching for my favourite brown pen . Also, Zan Marie Steadham , author of An Easter Walk and A Christmas Walk , has a contemporary story in the works called Friendly Fire . She's just been declare...