Character Faces! For Every Story
I've compiled some of these a few times before: Full set of character faces Character faces This new post is the full, proper set, arranged by story (although there are still lots of extra images on my pinterest board ). haracter faces! These are the main images, the ones that chapture the character's personality best, no matter how anachronistic the surroundings may be or how inappropriate the items they're holding. Other variations are on my pinterest board. The Face of A Lion Austin Alan Cunnick: photo taken from Real Simple magazine As an adult, he looks like Paul Newman (and there's also an image in there of Sam Heughan looking like him) There's also Lucas Till... Kedi Venti Pipire of Camulodunum: Kedi was our cat Frodo [I forgot that the storify website is defunct now, and the various photo stories I've shared, especially of Sam and Frodo, are now useless until I go back and reupload the photos onto the blog itself. Sigh...